Thursday, April 21, 2011

Faces of Insadong

I live right by Insadong, the traditional center of Seoul. It's really popular with old people and tourists. Protestors and performers love to set up on the main street and raise a ruckus.

There was a group of actors representing each country. This guy is the USA! Yep, that looks about right.

The elderly assert their right to wear Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-style bandanas on their heads.

Yesterday, there was a really intense protest with about a hundred handicapped people all together, and maybe two policemen for every protester. I'm not sure what it was about, although with my knowledge of Korean I ruled out colors, numbers, directions and ordering food. Anyway, there was a lot of yelling, and then a mentally disabled woman started trying to push herself out of her wheelchair and the police were holding her down, which really made everyone upset. I felt like the police weren't doing anything wrong, but just seeing all of the police with their shields and nightsticks controlling a group of disabled people didn't look good. I pushed my way in with the journalists and got some pictures.

Ironically, the person who seemed the most out of control and crazy wasn't handicapped, a policemen, or even associated with the protest. She was just screaming horribly and walking down the street at a normal pace. Weird.

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